Online clients

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To send and receive messages/data to and from external recipients, the respective clients can be set up at this point. A client is: email, USB flash drive, network drive, HI-tier, VIT.

If sending and receiving is not possible, check whether the client is active or whether the password/PIN is correct.

After a data restore has been completed, all online clients are generally deactivated.

Depending on the country settings, the available online clients will shown The following are available for all users:


| Create new clients

| Set up a new default client ( . . .

| Delete

| Accept

| Cancel

| Testing settings

| POP3 to IMAP, this option is only available in a POP3 client


Order / Explanation

1. Setup

If the online client HERDEcloud has already been created, start with “3. Data exchange

Click and select HERDEcloud Client.

  1. The term is not used anywhere, can remain as indicated.
  2. Active | if inactive, no data exchange can be performed with Android. Set the checkbox to active after restore databackup has been done, all online clients will be always deactivated.

only valid for current farm | If more than 1 farm is set up per client

*Mandatory field

Users | the main user(e-mail address),see in the HERDEcloud under users according to who the main user is

*Mandatory field

Password | own assigned password to this e-mail

2. File transfer to HERDEplus consultant / HERDEplus ITB

Account name (short name from the HERDEcloud) | enter the name that is stored under Short name

The Utilization of the file transfer via the HERDEcloud is recognizable if the symbol is stored in the account.

3. Data exchange

HERDEcloud Export

check the box next to “daily export via HERDEcloud service”

set the start time | HERDEplus upload one time daily

Click and enter the recipient’s short name. This will receive your data after the upload has been completed. If you remove the recipient from the list, they will not receive any new data.

The designation is freely adjustable.

4. Set up the HERDEcloud service

This function is only possible on the PC where the database server is installed. (Windows 10 is a prerequisite)

Start the service by clicking on then close the window with OK and save the settings.

5. Connection test

| HERDEcloud access works, only with

The settings made only take effect after the HERDEplus application has been restarted.

HERDEmobil Android

If the online client HERDEcloud has already been created, you do not need to do anything else, check the activated companies. See Connection Test Android.

only valid for current farm | If more than 1 farm is set up per client

*Mandatory field

Users | the main user(e-mail address),see in the HERDEcloud under users according to who the main user is

*Mandatory field

Password | own assigned password to this e-mail

Connection test Android

Display HERDEmobil company list | Test whether the online client is set up correctly, the company number is checked, which must be identical in HERDEplus and the HERDEcloud.
This connection test is only available for HERDEmobil Android when the icon appears in the account

File transfer to consultant / veterinarian

*Mandatory field only when using HERDEcloud

Account name (short name from HERDEcloud) | enter the name here, which is stored with a short name, e.g. demo farm

The Utilization of the file transfer via the HERDEcloud is recognizable if the symbol is stored in the account.

Short name in the HERDEcloud account – demo farm


| HERDEcloud access works, only with

Identification (only for multiple databases): optional, if 2 or more HERDEplus applications provide data for the same farm number, give a different identifier consisting of digits for each database. In the app, the two data will be available for selection at login.

  • z.B. 1 for database 1 and 2 for database 2
    • Or
  • z.B. 5 for BU05 and 7 for BU07

VIT Client

Only 1 VIT client per tenant/database is necessary/possible.

Name | is freely selectable, applies to all establishments in the database

only valid for current operation | If more than 1 farmis set up per tenant, the access data (user/password) must be overwritten and this option activated!

Users | VVVOnumber without the country code “DE”

Password | HITPIN

Consider the HIT PIN max. valid for 400 days. The change of the HIT PIN in the online client HIT must then also be carried out in the VIT client.

Correct HIT password via HIT matching

  1. Open Analysis > Inventory > HIT Check
  1. Click HIT Matching
  2. Open HIT Matching dialog with
  1. Enter the current HIT password
  2. Tick password saving
  3. Set the current date
  4. To save the inserted password, start the HIT comparison with Next

Email POP3

Name | is freely selectable, we recommend a short spelling

Type of encryption | none, SSL, TLS

Own email address | z.B.

Own email name | z.B. name

User and Password | Your access data

SMTP Host and SMTP Port | Abh. your email provider

Expert Mode | only necessary for our support

Also receive emails without attachment | in general, e-mails are only relevant with an attachment. If you also want to see receipts, you must activate the checkbox.

POP3 Host and POP3 Port | Abh. your email provider


  1. Send (Export) | Export directory of HERDEplus to the claw USB flash drive (E:)
  1. Receive (Import) | Import directory of HERDEplus for the transfer of the files of KLAUE (USB flash drive E:)

Drive letter: adjust the drive letter if necessary

External transfer program

Name | is freely selectable, we recommend a short spelling

Transfer Program | if “empty” only files are written to the directory (export) or read from the directory (import)

Send (Export) | Selecting the path or drive
parameter only works if transfer program is stored

Ask directory before sending | a dialog window will appear every time

Ask before overwriting a file | additional query on whether file can be overwritten (if inactive, it will be overwritten)

Receive (Import) | Selecting the path or drive
parameter only works if transfer program is stored

Set up a client for departure animals/access animals (disk)

Note: For automatic use of this functionality, this client must be configured in the same way both during disposal and access operation

  1. Open Settings > Farm data > Online Clients and click at
  2. Enter a name for the client (for example: animal transfer)
  3. Send (Export) | Specify the location for exporting a transfer file
    1. Request directory before sending | The export path can thus be set separately each time you export
    2. Ask before overwriting a file | prevents accidental overwriting
  4. Set the location for importing a transfer file | Receive (Import)
  5. To save the settings, click Save