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  1. Open Organization > Settings > Farm data
  2. Mark the tab of a created BU, then the tab groups, example: 01-milk > groups

| Add a new group.

| Deletes the group as long as no animals have been allocated. The group is only inactivated.

only active locations| allows you to view and activate inactive groups

Edit groups

All entries to the groups can be overwritten for editing. To make a new numbering, deactivate the option only active locations beforehand and then select a free group number.

Keep in mind that no entry is made to the animals or groups that the group has been changed. Even in historical evaluations, you will not be able to understand this change.


Short name | i.e. a 2-digit digit. When controlling milking parlours/robots, only a 2-digit and no alphanumeric group number is accepted

Name | free choice

Feed gr.| optional, see Farm data > Feed groups, several groups can have the same feed group. The feed group is only valid for the respective BU.

No. of animals | indicates the current number of animals

Milking frequency | optional, is used for plausibility testing in the MRec completeness.

  • 1 time a day
  • 2 times a day
  • 3 times a day
  • 4 times a day
  • 5 times a day
  • 6 times a day
  • Milking robot
  • LKV Master data