Age classes

This post is also available on: German

The definitions for different age groups are required to analyse the animal population, both at the cut-off date and for a selectable period.

The use of the age classes happens inAnalysis > Stock > Head count and Analysis > Stock > Development

With the installation of HERDEplus, the age-class definitions are delivered. The quickest and easiest way to update them is to download them via the internal program function

Age groups available for download are:

  • Rearing phase
  • BML | only Germany
  • Inventory development
  • Natura2000
  • Forecast *NEW (see Forecast)
  • Special | only Germany
  • Head count

Head count

Calves 0 – <6 months



Young cattle 6 – <12 months



Young cattle 12 – <24 Monate{{{wpml_tag_98}}}{{{wpml_tag_99}}}{{{wpml_tag_100}}} {{{wpml_tag_101}}} {{{wpml_tag_102}}} {{{wpml_tag_103}}}{{{wpml_tag_104}}}{{{wpml_tag_105}}}w. Zucht TU+{{{wpml_tag_106}}}{{{wpml_tag_107}}}{{{wpml_tag_108}}} {{{wpml_tag_109}}} {{{wpml_tag_110}}} {{{wpml_tag_111}}} {{{wpml_tag_112}}} {{{wpml_tag_113}}}{{{wpml_tag_114}}}{{{wpml_tag_115}}}w. Zucht{{{wpml_tag_116}}}{{{wpml_tag_117}}}{{{wpml_tag_118}}} {{{wpml_tag_119}}} {{{wpml_tag_120}}} {{{wpml_tag_121}}} {{{wpml_tag_122}}} {{{wpml_tag_123}}}{{{wpml_tag_124}}}{{{wpml_tag_125}}}w. Mast{{{wpml_tag_126}}}{{{wpml_tag_127}}}{{{wpml_tag_128}}} {{{wpml_tag_129}}} {{{wpml_tag_130}}} {{{wpml_tag_131}}} {{{wpml_tag_132}}} {{{wpml_tag_133}}}{{{wpml_tag_134}}}{{{wpml_tag_135}}}m. Mast{{{wpml_tag_136}}}{{{wpml_tag_137}}}{{{wpml_tag_138}}} {{{wpml_tag_139}}} {{{wpml_tag_140}}} {{{wpml_tag_141}}} {{{wpml_tag_142}}} {{{wpml_tag_143}}}{{{wpml_tag_144}}}{{{wpml_tag_145}}}∑{{{wpml_tag_146}}}{{{wpml_tag_147}}}{{{wpml_tag_148}}} {{{wpml_tag_149}}} {{{wpml_tag_150}}} {{{wpml_tag_151}}} {{{wpml_tag_152}}} {{{wpml_tag_153}}}{{{wpml_tag_154}}}{{{wpml_tag_155}}}Rinder > 24 months

f. breeding PT+

f. breeding

f. fattening

m. fattening

dairy cows

cows PT+


cows fattening

Foster cows and mother cows



Breeding/breeding bulls


Stock development

Calves 0-1 months



Calves 2-6 months

breeding f.

breeding m.

Fattening w.

Fattening m.

Young cattle 7- <12 Monate{{{wpml_tag_118}}}{{{wpml_tag_119}}}{{{wpml_tag_120}}} {{{wpml_tag_121}}} {{{wpml_tag_122}}} {{{wpml_tag_123}}}{{{wpml_tag_124}}}{{{wpml_tag_125}}}Zucht w.{{{wpml_tag_126}}}{{{wpml_tag_127}}}{{{wpml_tag_128}}} {{{wpml_tag_129}}} {{{wpml_tag_130}}} {{{wpml_tag_131}}} {{{wpml_tag_132}}} {{{wpml_tag_133}}}{{{wpml_tag_134}}}{{{wpml_tag_135}}}Zucht m.{{{wpml_tag_136}}}{{{wpml_tag_137}}}{{{wpml_tag_138}}} {{{wpml_tag_139}}} {{{wpml_tag_140}}} {{{wpml_tag_141}}} {{{wpml_tag_142}}} {{{wpml_tag_143}}}{{{wpml_tag_144}}}{{{wpml_tag_145}}}Mast w.{{{wpml_tag_146}}}{{{wpml_tag_147}}}{{{wpml_tag_148}}} {{{wpml_tag_149}}} {{{wpml_tag_150}}} {{{wpml_tag_151}}} {{{wpml_tag_152}}} {{{wpml_tag_153}}}{{{wpml_tag_154}}}{{{wpml_tag_155}}}Mast m.{{{wpml_tag_156}}}{{{wpml_tag_157}}}{{{wpml_tag_158}}} {{{wpml_tag_159}}} {{{wpml_tag_160}}} {{{wpml_tag_161}}} {{{wpml_tag_162}}} {{{wpml_tag_163}}}{{{wpml_tag_164}}}{{{wpml_tag_165}}}∑{{{wpml_tag_166}}}{{{wpml_tag_167}}}{{{wpml_tag_168}}} {{{wpml_tag_169}}} {{{wpml_tag_170}}} {{{wpml_tag_171}}} {{{wpml_tag_172}}} {{{wpml_tag_173}}}{{{wpml_tag_174}}}{{{wpml_tag_175}}}Jungrinder > 12 not inseminated

breeding f.

breeding m.

Fattening w.

Fattening m.

cattle > 12 inseminated


male >18
Cattle PT+

pregnant heifers

dairy cows



Special | only Germany

calves births



Breeding bull

Breeding bull

dairy cows

dairy cows

fattening cows


calves up to 6 month

young cattle 6 month – 1 year

young cattle 1 -2 years

Young cattle >1 years fattening


> 2 years

Wet nurses

Wet nurses


calves up to 6 month

young cattle 6 month – 1 year

young cattle 1 -2 years

Mating bull

cattle for fattening

> 2 years

BML | only Germany

fattening calves 0 to 0.5 years

fattening calves f.

fattening calves m.

calves f. 0 to 0.5 years

calves f. 0 to <6 months

young cattle f. 0.5 to <1 Jahr{{{wpml_tag_78}}}{{{wpml_tag_79}}}{{{wpml_tag_80}}} {{{wpml_tag_81}}} {{{wpml_tag_82}}} {{{wpml_tag_83}}}{{{wpml_tag_84}}}{{{wpml_tag_85}}}Jungrinder w. 6 bis {{{wpml_tag_134}}} 2 Jahre{{{wpml_tag_135}}}{{{wpml_tag_136}}}{{{wpml_tag_137}}} {{{wpml_tag_138}}} {{{wpml_tag_139}}} {{{wpml_tag_140}}}{{{wpml_tag_141}}}{{{wpml_tag_142}}}Färsen > 24 months

dairy cows


Foster cows and mother cows

Foster cows and mother cows

Slaughtering and fattening cows

Slaughtering and fattening cows

calves m. to 0.5 years

Calves from 0 to <6 months

young cattle m. 0.5 to <1 year

young cattle m. 6 to <12 months

young cattle m. 1 to <1.5 years

young cattle m. 12 to <18 Monate{{{wpml_tag_252}}}{{{wpml_tag_253}}}{{{wpml_tag_254}}} {{{wpml_tag_255}}} {{{wpml_tag_256}}} {{{wpml_tag_257}}} {{{wpml_tag_258}}} {{{wpml_tag_259}}}{{{wpml_tag_260}}}{{{wpml_tag_261}}}Jungrinder m. 1,5 bis {{{wpml_tag_289}}} 24 Monate{{{wpml_tag_290}}}{{{wpml_tag_291}}}{{{wpml_tag_292}}} {{{wpml_tag_293}}} {{{wpml_tag_294}}} {{{wpml_tag_295}}} {{{wpml_tag_296}}} {{{wpml_tag_297}}}{{{wpml_tag_298}}}{{{wpml_tag_299}}}Zuchtbullen{{{wpml_tag_300}}}{{{wpml_tag_301}}}{{{wpml_tag_302}}} {{{wpml_tag_303}}} {{{wpml_tag_304}}} {{{wpml_tag_305}}}{{{wpml_tag_306}}}{{{wpml_tag_307}}}Zuchtbullen{{{wpml_tag_308}}}{{{wpml_tag_309}}}{{{wpml_tag_310}}} {{{wpml_tag_311}}} {{{wpml_tag_312}}} {{{wpml_tag_313}}} {{{wpml_tag_314}}} {{{wpml_tag_315}}}{{{wpml_tag_316}}}{{{wpml_tag_317}}}Bullen (Zucht) > 24 months


1 dairy cows

L>0, breeding, fattening

2 mother cows and foster cows

L>0, dairy cows

3 breeding bulls

>2years, male, breeding bull, insemination bull

4 fattening bulls

>2years, male, fattening

5 ox

>2years, male, ox

6 other bovine cattle

>2years, male

7 bulls

6Mon-2yr, male

8 oxen

6month-2yr, male, ox

9 other bovine cattle


10 small-framed cattle


11 small-framed cattle


12 calves (except fattening)

up to 6month, breeding

13 fattening calves

up to 6month, fattening

Set up and edit age classes

new animal class | 1.Level is usually used to describe the animal class with text, adding the first entry for a filter

  • Name | Name / Name of the class
  • LU | Livestock unit
  • Value | e.g. in Euros
  • Accounting | Account

new animal filter | in the active animal class an entry is added to filter animals

  • Name | free choice
  • Exclude animals in class | these animals are not counted
  • Gender | male / female
  • Lactation | larger / smaller / equal
  • | Yes / No / without definition
  • Pregnant | Yes / No / without definition
  • Dry| Yes / No / without definition
  • Age of… up to… | Days / Months / Years
  • Utilization | Breeding / Fattening / Ox / Suckler Cow / Sire / Stock Bull
  • Display subtotals | if active, the filter displays the animals in brackets, otherwise the number of animals is only displayed at the class

Class / Delete Filter

Class of early | moves the active class / filter up by 1

Class later | shifts the active class / filter down by 1

Inventory development | Drop-down list of different age classes

New definition | creates a new definition

Rename definition | own definitions can be renamed

Load default values | Age classes of delivery can be reset to the default values

Delete definition | Deleting definitions

Get a list(s) online | Age classes of delivery can be taken over or corrected here

Import list(s) | Age classes can be imported

Export list | Age classes can be exported


The age classes work like a sieve. Everything that comes in from “above” will stick to a class (screening stage).

The filters act in such a way that if all the conditions that are set are true, these animals are counted.

Animals that remain at the end and have not been assigned in any class are displayed as unassigned at the end of the list. In this case, the age classes definition needs to be revisited.

The following example:

There are 100 cows in one herd. Of these, 50 are pregnant, 12 dry and 10 inseminated, the remaining 28 animals are not inseminated.

Download the following two age-class definitions for a better understanding of your livestock. The lists can be imported in the program by clicking on followed by .

In the case of an ascending sorting of the criteria (fromnot inseminated > inseminated > pregnant> dry),the definition of the filters must always be set with NO parameters.
All not inseminated animals are not inseminated, if they are counted, only inseminated animals remain.
All inseminated animals that are not bearing are counted, carrying and dry animals remain.
All carrying animals that are not dry are counted, dry animals remain.
All dry animals are counted.

cowsNumber of animalsInseminatedPregnantDry

In the case of a descending sorting of the criteria (from dry > pregnat > inseminated > not inseminated),the definition of the filters can logically only be set with YES.
All dry are pregnant and inseminated, since the dry ones have been counted, only not dry ones remain for the following classes.
All pregnant are inseminated, since the pregnant have been counted, only non-pregnant remains for the other classes.
All inseminated ones are counted and for the last class only the not inseminated remain.

cowsNumber of animalsInseminatedPregnantDry