Action planner

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Step 1: Open a new Action Planer mask

An action plan is a standardized procedure for the creation of animal lists and instructions for action up to the documentation of these instructions. (cf. SOP)

The mask for setting up an action plan is dynamically structured. This means that the type and number of drop-down lists and/or input fields are determined by the selected criteria. The settings shown in the example refer to the lists or actions shown and may differ depending on the selection of other criteria.

The entry at First action from is the date from which the actions should be displayed. Keep in mind that a negative entry in After event delays the display by this number of days, in this case you should date the first action from the past.

  1. Open Organization > Settings > Action Planner
  1. Click to create a new action plan
  1. Enter a name for the action plan under name (for example: OvSynch 70d p.p.)

Step 2: Set the triggering event

  1. Under “triggered from…” select the event that starts this plan. To do this, click in the drop-down box.
  1. Select the Calving event

Step 3: Set the animal-specific characteristics

  1. Open the drop-down listanimals > item for the first criteria “sex”. The order of the criteria does not matter
  1. Open the drop-down list (to the gender characteristic) and select “f – female”
  1. Open the next drop-down list to add another criterion and select “Breeding Status” and then set one for breeding
  1. Open the next drop-down list to add another criterion and select “Reproduction Status“, set the hooks at “not inseminated” and “not pregnant” in the corresponding drop-down field.

Step 4: Set the actions, first action (1st GnRH)

  1. Specify the time at which the action should begin. Reference point is the event to which the first action refers. In this example, the date of calving.
  1. In the“Action”field, select the Health (measure), a label will open
  1. Enter a label for the action. For example: 1st GnRH
  1. Open the drop-down list “Action task” (corresponds to the entries under Settings > Aczion Tasks) and select OVS Ovsynch (Tuesdays)
  1. Open the Health (measure) drop-down list and select 13 – Ovulation Synchronization.

Step 5: Set the actions, 2nd action (PGF2 alpha)

  1. In the “after first action” field, enter the period to pass after the first action (after event) (7 days) and then open the Action drop-down field and select Health (measure).
  1. Enter a label for the action. For example: PGalpha. Open the Health (measure) drop-down list and select 13 – Ovulation Synchronization.

Step 6: Set the actions, third action (2nd GnRH)

  1. In the “after first action” field, enter the period to pass after the first action (after event) (9 days)
  1. In the drop-down field, select Days (expression of time) to open the field
    • the 2nd GnRH takes place at a specified time, therefore this determination is important
  1. Open the “Enter time” drop-down field and selectmo – mornings.
  1. Open drop-down list action and select health (measure)
  1. Enter a label for the 2nd action after “Event”. For example: 2nd GnRH 10:00 h, then open the drop-down list Health (measure).
  1. Select 13 – Ovulation Synchronization

Step 7: Set the actions, 4th action (time-oriented insemination)

  1. In the “after first action” field, enter the time at which the insemation should take place (on the 10th day after the first action) and enter 10 days.
  1. Select days as time (expression of time)
  1. Open the“Time (expression of time)”drop-down list and select mo – mornings.
  1. Open drop-down list “Action” and click On Insemination
  1. Name the action. For example: Insemination 08:00 h
  1. Open drop-down list “Reason of insemination” and click on OVS – Ovulation Synchronization
  1. To stop the capture, click Save

Step 8: Set color marker for calendar (optional)

  1. Open drop-down list in the Color column and select a suitable color
  1. To exit the setting, click Save

Step 9: Activate the Action Planer in the Calendar

  1. Click on the “Calendar
  1. Click on “Settings – Calendar
  1. Set the hooks on the action plans to be activated, the animals will be displayed in the calendar
    • View all animals: Mark the day of the week in the calendar
    • Show animals for individual action: Click on the desired action in the calendar day

Open a new document | Opens an empty mask to create an action plan

Edit Action Planner | Opens the selected action plan for edit. Alternatively: double-click on document

Delete Document | Deletes a marked action plan

Copy Action Plan | Creates a copy of a marked action plan, recommended for modifying existing action plan

Preview Action Plan | prepares a preview of the animals that meet the criteria set out in the Action Plan

Import Action Plan | adopts an existing action plan

Securing action plan | submits the selected action plan to a data carrier

Get lists |

Create Appointments | generates the dates for all active measures and all animals