New drug

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| Set display

  • Note
  • Concession number
  • Duration of action

Name | Unique name

Group ** | Antibiotic or Hormone

Concession number ** | necessary for TAMmessages

Required verification | activate it, when usage is need to be documented in inventory book

Active | unused medicines can be switched inactive

Unit | z.B. ml, mg, inj, …

Administration | z.B. im, ima, sc, …

Type of diagnosis | when active, the drug is only displayed in the active diagnostic modes

Dose | the standard dose must be deposited

Waiting time in days | for milk and meat, warning appears in the stock list, in the information animal, on the standard declaration when animals are brought, when it is transmitted to the milking parlour

Duration of action in days ** | necessary for TAM messages

Note *

* Optional

** Obligation for TAM messages