Check animal population

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Check that all data matches your personal level of knowledge.
It is best to ask yourself the following questions:

To do this, go to the Analysis tab for all checks.




Working lists


Info animal

Barn tab


  • Analysis of inseminations | Which animals were last inseminated?
  • Analysis Of Calving | Which animals last calved? What is the ear tag of the last born calves?
  • Analysis Leaving | When were the last leavings?
  • Analysis Purchase | When was the last time animals were purchased?

The following questions can be answered by clicking on the tab stock:




Working lists


Info animal

Barn tab


In the tree, click on status > pregnant or status > dry

  • Do all pregnant animals have a positive pregnancy result?
  • Are all the animals, that are about to be calving, dryed off?

If a connection to a milking or heat detection system is possible.

  • Have all animals been assigned an assigned animal identification number?
    Only relevant for the techniques where no animal data is available in the technique.
  • One solution is that HERDEplus is able to read out the animal identifiers once and assign them to the animal when exchanging data for the first time.
  • Are all animals in the right group?
    If sending the group to the milking system is active.
  • Are all the milking animals that have received antibiotic treatment actually labelled as such? This question is necessary if the additional function “not into the tank” is active in the interface.