Claw care

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Claw care


Date | The worklist will list all animals that meet the set specifications by the set date

Unit | when farm is set, all BU and all groups are included. In the event that Betrieb it is not displayed, only individual BU and/or groups are selected.

Start | calculates the list

Delete | deletes the list, manually added animals are not removed from the list

Sort | stores the sorting of the list, alternatively the is saved by printing

Subdivided into different selection criteria. 1. Cows 2. Cows/heifers 3. Animals (no cows) It is possible to check all 3 fields at the same time. However, it does not mean that all three criteria must apply at the same time.

no animals that 90 have had claw care for the last few days | This hides animals for which a claw care has been deposited in the specified period.

Hide animals with re-presentation | active only when active. In addition, you can hide the animals that have a re-presentation date up to the specified date.


BU / Group / Type

| Print / Edit List

| Export to Excel

[] | View details

| Search for animal

| Add the animal manually (marked with “m”, must be manually removed from the list by disabling the check mark)

| Claw care

| Set display | Columns can be added individually, sequence can be changed with drag’n’drop, then save, possibly under a separate (new) name

| Filters | all animals are listed, if you remove the check mark in front of the animal, it is still displayed, by clicking on the filter becomes active, animals without check marks are hidden

| Name of the current display (displayed columns and their order), as many ads can be saved as you like

| Save display under current name / Save display as / Delete display