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This widget shows all the animals in their category that were made in the settings.

Display mode:

| update

Edit mode:

| Settings Schedule

| Set display

  • Artificial insemination | Animal ready for insemination
  • PT | Animal is due for pregnancy test
  • PT 2 | Animal due for second pregnancy examination
  • Predicted dry treatment | Animal to be dry off
  • Predicted calving | animal has or had an appointment for calving
  • Heat | Animal is on the 21st day of the heatcycle
  • Sterility test | Investigation of the animal, why no insemiation has yet taken place
  • Postpartum check | Examination of the animal, control of the puerperal phase
  • After-teatment | Animal to be treated after
  • Re-presentation health | Animal has an appointment for further use of medication

Overdue appointments | all animals that had one of the selected schedules in the past are listed.

… + days | 1 in addition, all schedules that are listed in the 1 Days occur

… next | in addition, all schedules will be listed up to the next day of the week

Insemination, only pregnant animals | if active, only non-pregnant animals are proposed

Expected calving | if active, only pregnant animals are proposed for calving

Animals can be selected with the CTRL and mouse click and transferred to the journal via the context menu (right click).

Adding the widget can be done multiple times. Thus, you can display one widget only for pregnancy test and another for dry off.